Wednesday, February 8, 2012

IIS 7.0 Regarding issue in asp.Net Application

Junk data when convert binary to string

Here is the example :
Step 1: when I convert this string to binary I got the below output.
SELECT CONVERT(varbinary(max), '(DAYSBETWEENREADINGS(''SNOT'') * 100 / 365)')

But in the table from which I am trying to convert binary to string I am having other than this, but sql server still returning the same string.

select CONVERT(varchar(max), 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

How to truncate the unnecessary sequence from binary data?

Solution :

For i = 0 To ds.Tables(t).Rows.Count - 1
                    dr = dt.NewRow()
                    For j As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables(t).Columns.Count - 2
                        If Not IsDBNull(ds.Tables(t).Rows(i)(j)) Then
                            If ds.Tables(t).Columns(j).DataType.Name = "Byte[]" Then

                                ss = "select convert(varchar(max),convert(varbinary(max),@byteArray)) as binarystr;"
                                cmd = New SqlCommand(ss.ToString, conn)
                                da1 = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
                                commonds = New DataSet
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@byteArray", Data.SqlDbType.Image).Value = ds.Tables(t).Rows(i)(j)
                                If commonds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
                                    binarystr = commonds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0)
                                    dr(j) = binarystr.Substring(0, binarystr.IndexOf(vbNullChar)) ‘We just done the substring, with the vbnullchar.

                                End If
                                dr(j) = ds.Tables(t).Rows(i)(j)
                            End If
                        End If
                     DataGridView1.DataSource = dt

IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility

Getting this error when we are trying to open a .Net web application  in windows 7 .

 To access local IIS Web sites, we need to run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account

  •     In Windows 7 or Vista , click Start, click All Programs, and then locate Visual Studio.
  •     Right-click Microsoft Visual Studio, and then click Run as administrator.

you need to install the "IIS Metabase and IIS6 Configuration Compatibility" feature under Internet Information Services-Web Management Tools-IIS 6 Management Capability to get the IIS6 ADSI provider installed.

  • First of all , you should have sufficient administrative access to turn or turn off windows features.

  • If you have the admin previliges , Please go to control panel in Windows and select Programs as shown in figure below.

  • In the settings page that opens, please select Turn windows features on or off .

  • Now go to Internet Information Services and then :
    • Expand Web Management Tools, expand IIS 6 Management Compatibility, and then select the IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility check box.
    • Expand World Wide Web Services, expand Application Development Features, and then select the ASP.NET check box.
    • Expand World Wide Web Services, expand Security, and then select the Windows Authentication check box.
    • To enable Visual Studio to debug applications, you must configure IIS 7.0 with the Windows Authentication module. By default, the module is not configured as part of IIS.
    • Click OK to start the IIS and ASP.NET installation process.
    •  If you have resolved the above two, and still get the third error, Your project has been configured to work with IIS. Either you dont have IIS 6 metabase installed or your virtual directory is not configured as a application.

       This is something very smallish but this is something that IIS 7 + has brought in. Well in IIS 6 its just a virtual directory setup thats enough to run a application. But in IIS 7 , you have to make it as a application as well.
       Right click on your virtual directory and click on Convert to Application and you should get rid of this.