Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crystal Reports

MVC Book

Net Book

Recently Asked Interview Questions

Name = Computech
1)define generics and what is namespace used for generics
2)use of sealed,overriding,internal keywords
3)what would be the output of left outer join and inner join
4)how do you measure performance of query
5)how do you debug javascript in 3.5 framework
6)what is a base class
7)how to put an assembly with same name with different version in the same folder
8)what is shadowing?
9)what is hiding?

 Name = sparsh communications
1)how to throw exception in wcf
2)how to implement crosspage submission
3)howmany session modes are there
4)how to call constructors from base class
5)how to call webmethod
6)how to implement file cache dependency
7)use of postback url property

Name = cybage

1)what are check and uncheck constraints in c#
2)can we call views in functions
3)validate a email id using javascript
4)what is use of IsPostback property
5)In which page life cycle event we use view state
6)what is the difference between truncate and delete
7)what is extension for strong name
8)can we put com components in GAC
9)explain page life cycle events
10)what is use of sealed keyword
11)what function we will writing in each of the layers in MVC
12)what are generics and types of funcitons in generics
13)what is syntax of overriding
14)what is shadowing and write a code for using it
15)what is use of Dictionary and Hashtable in c#
16)what validations you have used either server side or client side and whether server side
   validation is existing or not?

1)what is the repository used to store application
2)difference between readonly and constant
3)can we use more than one web.config
4)difference between remoting and webservices
5)can we use object developed using remoting in java
6)if the same file is to be used at a time how do you use it
7)what tool is used to configure roles(.net framework, WAT, IIs registration)
8)can global users access the application, if it is given as windows authentication
9)how dataset trasmits
10)can we store heterogenous database values in dataset
11)use of xml serialization
12)what authentication is used to check roles(basic,digest,client certificate)
13)IsUserConnected is the property of (server,session,request,response)
14)scenario for using delegate
15)how to hide a table
16)what collection classes have you used
17)what are various types of datatransferring methods from one form to another form
18)how to check whether howmany people have visited application after deploying in iis?
19)what is css sprite?
20)what are the things we need to take care of while using Css?
21)what is escalation ?
22)when two multiple catch blocks are there and it as to raise exception in 2 catch
  block then will it directly pass to 2 catch block or it will pass from 1st catch block?
23)how many times application start event will be fired once we deploy application in IIS?

Site For Asp.Net Online Test

Counting Lines & Spaces In Uploading

Counting Lines & Spaces In Uploading

if (FileUpload1.HasFile)


FileUpload1.SaveAs("C:\\Documents and Settings\\user155\\Desktop\\navas\\" + FileUpload1.FileName);

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application ObjWord = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
object falseValue = false;
object trueValue = true;
object missing = Type.Missing;
object saveobjections = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document wrdoc;
object filepath = ("C:\\Documents and Settings\\user155\\Desktop\\navas\\" + FileUpload1.FileName);
wrdoc = ObjWord.Documents.Open(ref filepath, ref missing, ref trueValue, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
Response.Write(wrdoc.ComputeStatistics(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdStatistic.wdStatisticLines, ref missing));
ObjWord.Documents.Close(ref saveobjections, ref missing, ref missing);
ObjWord.Quit(ref saveobjections, ref missing, ref missing);

this coding counting lines withspace while uploading doc file. i want ocunting lines without space?



protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        FileStream fs = new FileStream("C:/Documents and Settings/subbalakshmi.BSGROUP/Desktop/Test.doc", FileMode.Open);
        byte[] input=new byte[fs.Length];

        //FileStream fs = new FileStream("Test.doc", FileMode.Open);
        //byte[] input = new byte[fs.Length];
        fs.Read(input, 0, input.Length);

        FileStream fsOutput = new FileStream("C:/Documents and Settings/subbalakshmi.BSGROUP/Desktop/Test.rar",
        GZipStream zip = new GZipStream(fsOutput, CompressionMode.Compress);

        zip.Write(input, 0, input.Length);

    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        FileStream fs = new FileStream("C:/Documents and Settings/subbalakshmi.BSGROUP/Desktop/Test.rar", FileMode.Open);
        FileStream fsOutput = new FileStream("C:/Documents and Settings/subbalakshmi.BSGROUP/Desktop/Test.doc",
        GZipStream zip = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress, true);

        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
        int bytesRead;
        bool continueLoop = true;
        while (continueLoop)
            bytesRead = zip.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            if (bytesRead == 0)
            fsOutput.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
